Conferencia "Bursting soap bubbles – does the ambient matter?" por Dr. Uddalok Sen

Conferencia: "Bursting soap bubbles – does the ambient matter?"
Impartido por: Dr. Uddalok Sen, Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Fecha:  Miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2022.
Horario: De 12:30 a 13:30 horas.
Lugar:  Aula 006, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sevilla.
Organiza: Grupo de Investigación de Mecánica de Fluidos de la Universidad de Sevilla (GIMFus)

El próximo miércoles, 14 de diciembre a las 12:30 horas se desarrollará la conferencia "Sistemas de Energía Eléctrica. Movilidad eléctrica sostenible", a cargo del Dr. Uddalok Sen, Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Conferencia "Bursting soap bubbles – does the ambient matter?" por Uddalok Sen

Floating soap bubbles are often a sight to behold, particularly due to the plethora of colors they demonstrate as light gets reflected from the soap film. However, soap bubbles (or films) are inherently ephemeral, and burst soon after they are formed – often to the disappointment of the mesmerized observer. Interestingly, this bursting phenomenon itself is rich in physics, and has fascinated fluid dynamicists for nearly two centuries. Despite the long history of studying this bursting phenomenon, several key questions are still unanswered; in particular, what role, if any, the ambient plays in the physics of bursting. In this talk, I will revisit this age-old problem, with an emphasis on studying the influence of the ambient on the physics of bursting soap bubbles. I will show that high-speed imaging reveals new scalings in the dynamics of bursting films in an ambient, which can be further explained through scaling analysis and numerics. The findings of this talk are not only of fundamental importance, but are also relevant in understanding, and thus mitigating, oil spills in oceans and the spread of respiratory diseases via aerosols.